Laconia Corporation takes protecting your privacy very seriously. Our policy is comprehensive and demonstrates our commitment to privacy:

We will not share information collected from you with any third party without your consent unless required to do so to complete a transaction.

Our fan lists are considered private information and are not for sale, rent or loan to marketers or any other third party outside of those necessary to complete a transaction.

The web servers powering our internet presence may collect information concerning your visit, including your domain name, IP address, browser version, and other such technical data. This data will be used only to provide services to you during your visit and for the purpose of gathering statistics on web site usage. Individually identifiable information will not be revealed to third parties without your permission. Aggregate data containing no individually identifiable information may be shared with third parties in our efforts to improve our website or promote our music.

Information gathered on this web site, either via technical means or given by you in filling out a form, etc.,  will never be used to make an unsolicited marketing contact unless you have given permission to do so or have asked to be contacted (e.g., if the form was a "put me on a mailing list" form).

This website does not currently use web browser cookies to gather information or track site usage. However, we reserve the right to use cookies in the future if necessary to implement new website features as we see fit. These cookies will not be used to provide information to third parties, but only to provide information to us. Any information gathered using a cookie would be treated as indicated in the above sections on data gathered during website usage.

In the event we are compelled by the law or a court of competent jurisdiction, we may reveal any information gathered to third parties as are required by such proceedings.

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time without prior notice. However, a policy change will not be effected without making a change to this section of our website to reflect that new policy, so if you're reading it here today, it is our current policy.

If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us.
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